The roadmap's purpose
The HTA's Sustainability Roadmap is a framework for helping members to increase the commercial, environmental and social value their business delivers. It aims to build on the good practice evident among HTA members so as to put the UK horticulture and landscaping industry at the leading edge of sustainable business.
The roadmap's 2025 goals
We've consulted with hundreds of our member businesses to identify five areas for the roadmap to focus on. We've picked these areas on the basis that they are fairly unique to or industry - if we don't lead on these issues as an industry no-one else will. They're also areas where we feel there's most at stake for us as an industry - in short areas that are critical to the planet and our industry commercially. By 2025 we will, working with members, deliver across HTA membership:
CO2 Reduction
A 20% net reduction in scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions in aggregate across HTA membership.
- An aggregate 40% increase in the proportion of water that comes from non-mains and re-used water sources such as rainwater or runoff capture among growers and retailer
- An aggregate 25% increase in the proportion of HTA members using water efficiency measures such as reservoirs and automated irrigation systems.
- 40% or more of the combined weight of plant pots & packaging, garden chemicals containers, and growing media bags will be sourced from recycled plastic.
- Industry-led recycling schemes that together capture at least 10% of the weight of this packaging for recycling or reuse by 2025.
Growing media
- Accelerated peat reduction in growing media delivered through collaboration with government on peat alternatives.
- UK growing media suppliers accounting for 95% of the volume of retail product showing the responsible sourcing scheme ratings and carbon footprint information on their products.
Pest & disease management
- Growers accounting for 75% of production value in HTA membership measuring and managing their chemical use as part of a standard like OHAS.
You can find out more about these goals and the focus areas of the roadmap in the roadmap's charter. Our ambitious targets for 2025 relate to the industry as a whole - they're not meant to prescribe 'what good looks like' in specific businesses as one size will not fit all. And we'll constantly review and monitor the goals to ensure the roadmap remains relevant and ambitious.
What you can expect to see
We see the Sustainability Roadmap as a framework through which we can support and add value to our members' businesses. We will provide information, advice, networking and training to help members build sustainability into their business plans. We will provide data and benchmarking to help members benchmark and plan. And we'll champion the industry to government and other allies so as to achieve the support we need in contributing ever more positively to our environment and society.