What to do in your garden in Gardening in December

Love The Garden share their top tips on jobs that can be done in December

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Short days and minimal sunlight hours can make December feel like a dark month. Most parts of the country will see frosts and snow, and many plants will be dormant, meaning they won’t grow. It is, however, the perfect time to plant and maintain roses, perennials and shrubs. Make the most of tidying them by turning the garden prunings into seasonal decorations.

After a busy year in the garden, you can turn some of your attention to inside the house. You can enjoy looking after your indoor plants, and spending time in the kitchen, where your efforts from earlier in the year continue to provide a steady supply of homegrown vegetables. 

What to plant, prune and maintain

Things to do this month
  • Install a waterbutt: These collect rainwater from guttering on houses, sheds, and greenhouses. The water is slightly acidic, unlike tap water which has been treated such that its nutrient levels are different to those which plants would naturally take up.

  • Build a new compost heap: One is a good start, but if you have room then two or even three make it easier to move material through the composting process.

  • Clean and service your mower and other power tools.

  • Clean and sharpen hand tools, such as hoes and spades.

  • Clean paths and patios using a power-washer.

  • Weed between paving stones using a sharp knife or pour boiling water to kill them.